You need to identify new sources of savings ?


Your agenda : 

  • Your operating costs are under control, but you find it ever more difficult to come up with new sources of savings
  • You have outsourced certain maintenance or logistical activities, and you are not certain about the medium- and long-term profitability of that project
  • The market cycles require you to develop your organisational agility and your ability to adopt to demand.demande
  • Your EBITDA is made more fragile by lower selling prices and you are looking for new sources of savings
  • You find it ever more difficult to control your capital expenditure projects (cost, performance and implementation period)


 Our response elements :

  • Our team advises and accompanies the general, industrial and financial managements of groups in France and internationally when it comes to optimisation of operating costs, rationalisation of
    investments, and EBITDA optimisation groupes en France et à l'international dans l'optimisation des coûts d'exploitations,
  • Our approach is based on a flash analysis so as to develop a picture of expenditures, compare it with our international benchmark including data from hundreds of companies obtained over a
    20-year collection period, and identify the short-, medium- and long-term possibilities
  • We will also be able to accompany you in organisational transformations and in obtaining the associated savings (ensuring the change management process), to which we commit ourselves and which will be the basis for part of our remuneration.

A profitability and growth vector for industry